The New Fitness Routine I’m Starting

Getting back in shape after baby

Today I am talking all about my new fitness routine I’m doing to get back in shape after having baby #2!

Oh hey there guys! Yep, it’s me. I’m still alive. I apologize for the absence on my blog – I’ve been trucking along raising my two boys, running my online fitness business, soaking in outdoor time (before it gets too cold) and getting ready to start my new fitness routine. That’s what I want to focus on talking about today!

I am currently 12 weeks postpartum and I feel so good. I did a little mini 6-week postpartum fitness routine with my Blondetourage babes (my free Facebook fitness group – have you joined yet?!) and then took about a week off. Now, I am getting ready to start a 12-week online bootcamp to rebuild a bunch of muscle I lost while pregnant and to also just tone up. I want to share my progress along the way to show you guys that yes, even personal trainers need to work hard to get in shape (especially postpartum). So my plan is to share some progress pictures every 3 to 4 weeks as a little update.

I’m currently in that “I look great with clothes on” phase and also the “But naked is a different story….” phase. Not that the world sees me naked or anything but as a personal trainer there is a bit of physical maintenance that comes with the job. Plus, I just really love a good challenge. The program that I am doing is actually my very own 12-week Total Body Bootcamp. I developed this program for myself two years ago to get back in shape after having my first son Lincoln. It really worked for me then, so I decided to launch it as an official program to teach other women the ins and outs of fitness. I also have 11 awesome girls who are going on this journey with me.

The program focuses on building lean muscle mass and torching fat while doing 5 scheduled workouts a week (all about 30 minutes a piece). A majority of the workouts are done in circuit style using different techniques to change things up (like TABATA) so that your body is constantly avoiding adaptation. A quick little piece of info for you guys – our bodies are always trying to reach homeostasis (a happy stress free environment). In order to do this, our bodies will eventually adapt to the workouts we do. This is why it’s good to change things up! So when I was creating this program I made sure to utilize a bunch of workout techniques, rep ranges, sets, while also changing the full routine every 3 weeks!

Anyway – I am super excited for the next 12 weeks. I can’t wait to see changes and feel strong again. Send good vibes my way! The first 3 weeks are always the hardest when getting into a new routine so I could definitely use all the encouragement I can get. I’ll report in again soon!